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Data Management Page

Data which can be viewed, adjusted, deleted or added will be presented within Data Management grids will be listed under a pane. Each item listed in the pane represents a table within MiiNT.

In the above example, data in the listed tables can be managed ie Coordinate Systems and Location Types.

Select the table you wish to alter from the pane. A Loading dialog will be displayed prior to a grid appearing to the right listing all the records currently maintained within the chosen table.

Filtering, Grouping and Sorting can be used to narrow down the number of records displayed.

In the above example records from the Equipment States table has been displayed for the selected date range. The results have been grouped by Period Code within Status, with additional filtering on the Equipment Code column.

The Totals row in the Status bar at the bottom of the data grid displays the number of records extracted, the number of filtered records and the sum, count, average, minimum and maximum values for the highlighted Duration values.

Only column values highlighted with a yellow background can be adjusted.

Refer to the Data Management Queries topic under the Administration Menu for information on creating Data Management Query pages.